Blepharoplasty Photos | Eyelid Surgery Before and After Gallery

View blepharoplasty before and after photos (eyelid surgery photos) by Dr. Andrew Jacono

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Eyelid Surgery Patient 1: This female patient was unhappy that her patients and friends always said she looked so tired. Dr. Jacono performed an upper and lower blepharoplasty to help her look more refreshed and awake. The upper eyelid surgery removed the excess skin that was hanging down over her lids. While the lower bleph focused on relocating the fat bags under the eye. The fat was pushed slightly down so that filler was not needed to fill in the hollow spaces. She looks glowing and refresh and loves how she looks.

Eye Lift - Patient 4 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 4 - After

Eye Lift Patient 2: Fat Transposition Lower Eye Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, but the lower eyelid fat bags are moved into the deep under eye grooves. This patient has no eyelid surface wrinkles so there was no need for a skin peel or laser resurfacing

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Blepharoplasty Patient 3: To remove the excess hanging skin and tissue from above the upper eyelid, an upper blepharoplasty procedure was performed. A lower blepharoplasty was also performed to reduce the appearance of puffy lower eyelids.

Eye Lift - Patient 5 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 5 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 4: Lower Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin. This patient has no eyelid surface wrinkles so there was no need for a skin peel or laser resurfacing.

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Upper & Lower Eyelid Lift Patient 5: Both an upper eyelid lift and a lower blepharoplasty procedure was performed to remove the excess fatty skin and tissue from both upper and lower lids. A fat transposition was incorporated in the lower eyelids to remove the puffy bags and discoloration.

Eye Lift - Patient 6 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 6 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 6: Upper and Lower Eye Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, the lower eye lift tightens the muscles and removes extra fat and skin.

top eyelid surgery photos nyc

Eyelid Surgery Patient 7: An upper eyelid surgery was performed along with a lower fat transposition to remove the excess fat bags and loose hanging skin from both upper and lower eyelids. The after results show a smooth transition between the upper cheeks and eyes and the patient looks less tired.

Eye Lift - Patient - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 7 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 8: Upper and Lower Eye Lift (With Fat Transposition), Endoscopic Brow-lift, and Eyelid TCA Chemical Peel. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, but the lower eyelid fat bags are moved into the deep under eye grooves, and the chemical peel polishes the skin surface removing fine lines and wrinkles.

upper and lower blepharoplasty photos

Eyelid Surgery with Laser Resurfacing Patient 9: This patient had an upper blepharoplasty to eliminate the appearance of excess hanging which fell over the upper eyelids. Laser resurfacing was also used to reduce the visible appearance of wrinkles under the eyes and at the corner of the eyes.

Eye Lift - Patient 8 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 8 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 10: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, and the laser peel polishes the skin surface removing fine lines and wrinkles.

Eye Lift - Patient 9 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 9 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 11: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift (With Fat Transposition), and Eyelid TCA Chemical Peel. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, but the lower eyelid fat bags are moved into the deep under eye grooves, and the chemical peel polishes the skin surface removing fine lines and wrinkles.

Eye Lift - Patient 10 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 10 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 12: Upper Eyelid Lift, and Endoscopic Browlift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, and the Endoscopic Browlift, lifts the heavy brows off the eyelids. Both procedures are required for the right result.

Eye Lift - Patient 11 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 11 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 13: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin.

Eye Lift - Patient 12 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 12 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 14: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift, and Eyelid CO2 Laser Resurfacing. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, and the laser peel polishes the skin surface removing fine lines and wrinkles.

Eye Lift - Patient 13 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 13 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 15: Fat Transposition Lower Eye Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, but the lower eyelid fat bags are moved into the deep under eye grooves. This patient has no eyelid surface wrinkles so there was no need for a skin peel or laser resurfacing.

Eye Lift - Patient 14 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 14 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 16: Lower Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin.

Eye Lift - Patient 15 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 15 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 17: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift, and Endoscopic Browlift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, and the Endoscopic Browlift, lifts the heavy brows off the eyelids. Both procedures are required for the right result.

Eye Lift - Patient 16 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 16 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 18: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift, and Eyelid TCA Chemical Peel. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin, and the chemical peel polishes the skin surface removing fine lines and wrinkles.

Eye Lift - Patient 17 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 17 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 19: Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift remove fat bags and excessive skin. This patient could have benefited from a chemical peel or laser resurfacing, but she declined the procedure.

Eye Lift - Patient 18 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 18 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 20: Male Patient. Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin.

Eye Lift - Patient 19 - Before
Eye Lift - Patient 19 - After

Eyelid Lift Patient 21: Male Patient. Upper Eyelid Lift. The eyelid lift removes fat bags and excessive skin. This patient has no eyelid surface wrinkles so there was no need for a skin peel or laser resurfacing.

lower blepharoplasty patient photos new york

Lower Blepharoplasty Patient 22: A lower eyelift with a fat transposition was performed to reduce the puffiness from underneath the lower eyelids. The after photo shows that the visible puffy eye bags have been removed and the patient no longer looks tired.

blepharoplasty patient before and after photos

Blepharoplasty Patient 23: This patient had an upper blepharoplasty performed to remove the excess hanging skin from the upper eyelids. Laser resurfacing was also performed to reduce the visible wrinkles from below the eyes.

upper eye lift patient before photo
upper eye lift patient after photo

Upper Eye Lift Patient 24: This female patient wanted to correct the excess sagging skin and fat that was weighing down her upper eyelids. An upper eye lift procedure was performed by Dr Jacono to remove the excess hanging skin. The end results show the upper eyelids are no longer drooping and the patient looks more youthful.

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 25

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 25

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 26

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 26

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 27

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 27

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 28

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 28

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 29

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 29

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 30

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 30

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 31

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 31

Blepharoplasty Before & After – Patient 32

Before & After blepharoplasty before and after photos - patient 32

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